Death Note, the gripping anime and manga series, has taken the world by storm with its dark plot and complex characters. But beyond the chilling story of Light Yagami and his quest for a “perfect world” lie some fascinating facts that might surprise even the most devoted fans.
Did you know?
- The Death Note wasn’t always black: In the initial concept stages, the Death Note was supposed to be a traditional Japanese scroll or even resemble a Bible depending on the location and time period.
- There almost was a “Death Eraser”: The creators considered including a tool that could revive people killed by the Death Note, but ultimately scrapped the idea to maintain the high stakes.
- L wasn’t always the eccentric genius we know: Early character designs for L depicted him as much more conventionally attractive. The creators worried he might overshadow Light, so they went with the unique and unforgettable look we have today.
- Real-life consequences? Death Note’s popularity boomed, but it also caused a stir. In China, some students were caught making fake Death Notes and writing down their teachers’ names!
- A Shinigami’s gotta eat: Ryuk, the shinigami who drops the Death Note into the human world, is obsessed with apples. This detail wasn’t originally planned, but Tsugumi Ohba, the writer, liked the way it balanced Light’s seriousness.
- Mello and Near’s name swap: Believe it or not, Mello and Near’s character designs were accidentally labeled incorrectly! The mistake was discovered too late to fix, so their names stuck.
These are just a few of the many interesting facts surrounding Death Note. The series continues to be a pop culture phenomenon, inspiring fan theories, debates, and even live-action adaptations. So next time you delve into the world of Death Note, keep these intriguing facts in mind and see the story in a whole new light!