The difference lies in how the two types of razors interact with your skin and hair during the shaving process. 

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1. **Multi-blade Razors**: These razors typically have multiple blades stacked closely together. When you shave with them, each blade passes over your skin, cutting the hair slightly above the surface. However, because there are multiple blades, they can catch and tug at the hair, especially if they’re not sharp enough. This can lead to irritation and even ingrown hairs because the hair might not be cut cleanly or evenly, potentially causing it to curl back into the skin. 

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2. **Straight Edge Razor**: This type of razor has a single, very sharp blade. When you shave with a straight edge razor, the sharp blade glides smoothly across your skin, cutting each hair cleanly at the base. Since the blade is sharp and there’s only one blade involved, there’s less pulling or tugging on the hair. As a result, you get a closer shave in just one pass, and there’s less chance of irritation or ingrown hairs because the hair is cut cleanly and uniformly. 

In essence, the single, sharp blade of a straight edge razor allows for a more precise and controlled shave, cutting the hair at its base without pulling or tugging. This results in a smoother shave with less irritation compared to multi-blade razors, which can be especially beneficial for those with sensitive skin or prone to ingrown hairs. However, using a straight edge razor requires more skill and technique, as it’s important to maintain the correct angle and pressure to avoid nicks or cuts. 

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